HyperPro Steering Damper Kits
Hyperpro Steering Dampers come in two forms: CSC - Constant Safety Control or RSC - Reactive Safety Control, both options will improve handling.
All listed with model specific fitting kits below.
CSC Steering Dampers
This is one of the top products in the range of “regular” steering dampers. It is a linear damping steering damper with 22 clicks for fine tuning.
It gives the rider comfort in riding, and the assurance of not getting knocked off by the quick steering movements of the bike.
RSC Steering Dampers
This one is unique of it's kind and is superior to other steering dampers. It behaves like a linear steering damper, while normal riding and it has all the functionalities of the CSC steering damper.
However, when it comes to the real job, like tank slappers and wobbling, whereas the CSC steering damper will control the very quick movements, the RSC will react in a direct way with a lot of extra progressive damping to even-out and cancel the quick movement at the very beginning.
This will give you the real support that you need. As we say: “the best steering damper in the world!”
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